Spring Bouldering Competition
Join us on April 5th for our fourth annual Beta Bash Bouldering Competition. Over $3000 in cash and prizes!
Pre-registration is open until 3/19 & includes a limited edition comp t-shirt!
This comp will be broken down into two divisions: Competitive and Casual. See below for rules and info for each division.
Competitive Division
Competitive RulebookThis division is broken into two categories: Advanced and Open. Only the top 5 hardest routes you send count towards your score, so this division is for climbers looking to try as hard as they can. The six highest scoring men/NB & six highest scoring women/NB in the Open Division will get to climb in Finals for a chance to win $500! Prizes will also be awarded to the top 3 in Finals & in he Advanced Division. Review the rulebook below before registering to see if this is the division for you.
Casual Division
Casual RulebookIf you compete in the Casual Division, your goal is to climb as many routes as possible in the time allotted. Harder problems are worth more points. You’ll rack up points for every route that you successfully climb and the 5 hardest routes you send will be worth double points! If you’re looking for something a bit different and in a more relaxed environment, the Casual Division might be for you. Review the rulebook below before signing up.
8:15-8:40am Check in for Competitive Division climbers and last minute registration
8:45-9:00am Rules breakdown and review.
This is mandatory for all climbers who wish to compete in this division.
9:00am-12:00pm Climb time for Competitive Division
12:30-12:55pm Check in for Casual Division climbers and last minute registration
1:00-1:15pm Rules breakdown and review.
This is mandatory for all climbers who wish to compete in this division.
1:15-4:15pm Climb time for Casual Division
4:15-6:30pm Finals pregame. Drinks, food, music, good vibes!
5:30-6:30pm Finals rules breakdown and review. Isolation begins for finalists.
This is mandatory for all climbers who wish to compete in this division. Spectators are encouraged to join for the rules breakdown as well.
6:30-8:30pm Finals for the Competitive Division
8:30-9:00pm Winners for all competition divisions will be announced and prizes will be awarded
9:00-11:00pm Afterparty at Humble Wood Fire & Grand Scheme Brewing across the street from the gym. All are welcome!
Climbing open to members & guests until 10pm.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the difference between Casual and Competitive?
If you compete in the Casual Division, your goal is to climb as many routes as possible in the time allotted. Harder problems are worth more points. You’ll rack up points for every route that you successfully climb and the 5 hardest routes you send will be worth double points.
If you compete in the Casual Division, your goal is to climb as many routes as possible in the time allotted. Harder problems are worth more points. You’ll rack up points for every route that you successfully climb and the 5 hardest routes you send will be worth double points.
If you compete in the Competitive Division, only the 5 hardest routes you successfully climb will count towards your total score. Harder problems are worth more points. This year, we'll split the Competitive Division into Advanced and Open categories. The 6 men and 6 women with the highest scores in the Open category will be invited to climb in Finals for the chance to win a first place prize of $500, a second place prize of $100, or third place prize of $50. First place for men's and women's in the Advanced category will win $100. Second place will win $50, and third will win $25. All winners will also receive prizes from our sponsors.
How do I know which division to sign up for?
The Competitive Division will follow a traditional USA Climbing format in terms of scoring. The Competitive Division is for you if you’re interested in seeing how hard you can climb. This division encourages you to project routes with grades higher than you normally would.
The Competitive Division will be split into Advanced and Open categories. Advanced is for climbers who regularly climb V0-V6, and Open is for climbers who regularly climb V6+. If you sign up for Advanced and you perform better than a V0-V6 climber you will be bumped into the Open category.
If you’re looking for something a bit different and in a more relaxed environment, the Casual Division might be for you. In this division, we encourage you to get on as many problems as you can, easy or hard. Everything you send will contribute to your score.
What are the prizes?
All winners in the casual and competitive divisions will receive swag from our sponsors. In addition to this, men’s and women’s first place in competitive finals will win $500 each, second place will win $100 each, and third place will win $50 each. Men’s and women’s first place in the Advance bracket will win $100 each, 2nd will win $50 each, and 3rd will win $25 each.
Can I come in to spectate during the competition?
Yes! We encourage spectators to come cheer on the competitors, especially at Finals. However, during the Casual and Competitive Divisions earlier in the day capacity may be limited so make sure to arrive early!
Do I get anything for signing up?
All competitors will receive a goody bag with things from our sponsors, stickers, raffle tickets, and if you register before 3/19 you’ll receive a limited edition t-shirt.
What’s the Finals Pregame?
At the conclusion of the Casual Division, our setters will start to reset for Finals. During this time, we’ll host a party for competitors and spectators to hangout, drink, and eat. During this time we’ll also host a raffle and a pull-up contest where anyone can enter to win cool stuff from our sponsors. Finals will begin at 6:30pm.
When will I know if I’ve won something?
We will announce the winners for all divisions at the conclusion of Finals, around 8:30pm at the gym. If you are unavailable to attend we will notify you via text or email and you can pick up your prizes at the front desk of the gym at your earliest convenience.
What's going to be closed leading up to the comp?
On Monday, 3/31, all boulders, except for the North Cave and 30 wall will be stripped so make sure to send all your projects before then! The setters will be adding brand new routes to the walls all week, so bouldering will remain closed until after the competition. Top-rope walls, except for the slab wall, will stay open. The gym will be closed on Friday, 4/4, to finish last minute prepping for the comp.
We'll be allowing climbing after finals for the first time ever. All the new boulders will be open to members and guests starting around 9pm on 4/5.